Arnold Schwarzenegger – the bodybuilding legend, Hollywood superstar and former Governor of California – invites Graham to Hong Kong for a revealing conversation around his remarkable success story and an exclusive look at the first Arnold Classic in Asia. Over the course of two days, Schwarzenegger shares stories including the tribulations of his critical father, making the jump from bodybuilding to Hollywood and President Nixon’s premature endorsement for Arnold as governor, among other topics.
Arnold Schwarzenegger looks back on the root of his passion for tanks and shares a story of accidentally reversing one through a garage wall
Arnold Schwarzenegger on how he never really felt at home in Austria, the real reason he started bodybuilding and how he predicted the permanence of his first trip to America
Arnold Schwarzenegger details his approach to earning his first million dollars, which came via a commitment to saving money and investing in real estate
Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about growing up without running water, how pressing parents motivated him to leave home and fueled Arnold to seize opportunities
Arnold Schwarzenegger shares a story of Lucille Ball recruiting him for one of his first TV appearances and how she improvised to save him on live television
Arnold Schwarzenegger on his original casting for “The Terminator” and unintentionally convincing James Cameron to cast him instead of OJ Simpson
Arnold Schwarzenegger recounts when he bet on himself and starred in the comedy “Twins” without taking a salary, to shed his typecast as an action star
Arnold Schwarzenegger on his family history of heart problems, a serious scare from a failed heart surgery and when his chances of dying doubled
Arnold Schwarzenegger on befriending President George H. W. Bush, partying with the President at Camp David and his role as chairman of the President’s council on physical
Arnold Schwarzenegger traces his Republican roots to Richard Nixon’s presidential campaign and recounts when the former President first planted the seed that Arnold should run for Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger recalls asking White House Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, for his take on the California governorship and when President Bush checked in to ensure there were no grudges after Rove believed Condoleezza Rice was next in line.
Arnold Schwarzenegger on conversations with Maria Shriver before and after he announced running for Governor of California, and why it was so important for him to run
Arnold Schwarzenegger reflects on the highs and lows of his tenure as Governor of California, and how it was impossible to prepare for the role
Graham Bensinger walked with Arnold Schwarzenegger around his first ever sports festival in Asia.
Bodybuilding stars share their thoughts on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s tremendous impact on elevating their sport to new heights
Arnold Schwarzenegger and his business partner, Jim Lorimer, discuss their entrepreneurial approach to creating the Arnold Classic and bringing it to all six continents
Arnold Schwarzenegger on beating out 5-6 big name celebrities for the Celebrity Apprentice gig, informing Donald Trump of the news and his unique approach to hosting the show
Arnold Schwarzenegger on the intense time and effort it takes to perfect the art of bodybuilding, including meticulous self-critiques and pose trainers
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