Dan Bilzerian – professional poker player and “King of Instagram” – sits down with Graham at his Las Vegas home. Bilzerian details some of his most outrageous bets as well as how he rebounded after going completely broke. He tells Graham about the wild adventures fame has brought him, including surviving two heart attacks and his mission to conquer the marijuana industry. Plus, Dan brings Graham to a Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s training session at the boxer’s gym and on an ATV ride through the desert.
Dan Bilzerian outlines his plans for big business within the marijuana industry, including establishing the first trustworthy brand and alternative marketing tactics.
Dan Bilzerian on going broke playing poker his sophomore year of college – due in part from playing online poker while intoxicated – and how he turned it all around and used his loose playing reputation to his advantage.
Dan Bilzerian offers insight into notable high stakes poker games, including the time he won $12.8 million over the course of three poker hands and why he gets more upset losing smaller amounts of money.
Dan Bilzerian on why it’s beneficial to remove all emotions when playing poker, but also says it’s harder for him to be happy after so much success playing emotionless poker.
Dan Bilzerian shares stories of wild bets, including losing $6 million on a coin flip and betting against a rower crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Plus, Bilzerian discreetly talks of betting against a current NBA star who lost $12 million over the course of a poker bender.
Dan Bilzerian outlines his strategy to building a massive Instagram following, his most outrageous Instagram post and realizing the scope of his fame at Cannes.
Dan Bilzerian offers his thoughts on relationships, monogamy and marriage. Bilzerian also says most women he’s with appreciate his honesty, even when the truth hurts.
Dan Bilzerian on frequent interactions with women in Cabo and losing his virginity as an 8th grader in Mexico City, among other things.
Dan Bilzerian offers a look at his upbringing, including frequent school changes and going to jail as a high school senior for driving to school with guns in his car.
Dan Bilzerian on his dad, Paul, going to prison for making money off of corporate takeovers, the FBI kicking down doors and how Dan’s perspective on the matter has changed as he grew up.
Dan Bilzerian refutes claims that he didn’t earn his millions by saying he gave the vast majority of his trust to his brother. Bilzerian also reflects on the pros and cons of fame and says that being famous has more downside than upside.
Dan Bilzerian describes his four years of service with the U.S. military, including why he went through SEAL training twice and why he was eventually kicked out.
Dan Bilzerian walks Graham through the four days of sleepless partying that led to two heart attacks and why surviving the trauma made him feel like a “bulletproof tiger.”
Dan Bilzerian on committing himself to a $600,000 bet that he could cycle 300 miles from Las Vegas to L.A. in 48 hours and why Lance Armstrong was the only one who believed Bilzerian could win.
Dan Bilzerian shares his opinions of President Donald Trump, his distaste for Hillary Clinton and why he still betted on her to win the 2016 election.
Dan Bilzerian drives Graham out into the Las Vegas desert in his high performance dune buggy to fire off rounds of Dan’s M60 machine gun.
Dan Bilzerian answers questions from fans and says that he’s already been accepted to begin substitute teaching children soon. Plus, Bilzerian explains why he values freedom from his wealthy parents.
Dan Bilzerian gives Graham a tour of his $5 million Las Vegas mansion and Dan’s personal chef explains his routine breakfast.
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